Introducing Laser Skin Improvement In Colorado Springs

Laser treatments can reverse sun damage by stimulating the skin's natural healing processes and promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells. The laser energy targets specific layers of skin tissue, causing them to heat up and tighten. This heat also triggers the production of collagen, a protein that helps to give skin its elasticity and tightness. Over time, this increased collagen production leads to firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

Additionally, the laser energy can penetrate deeply enough to break down pigmented areas that have accumulated from sun exposure. The body then naturally removes these pigmented areas, resulting in a brighter, more even skin tone.

There are various types of laser treatments that can be used for skin rejuvenation, including ablative lasers (which remove the top layer of skin) and non-ablative lasers (which heat up the deeper layers of skin without removing the top layer). The specific type of laser used will depend on the extent of the sun damage and the desired outcome of the treatment.

It's important to note that laser treatments are not a one-time solution, and multiple sessions may be needed to achieve the desired results. Sun protection and a good skincare regimen are also crucial for maintaining the results and preventing further sun damage.

Laser Options And Results

  • SmoothGlo.

    SmoothGlo is a nonsurgical treatment that rejuvenates the skin by improving its texture, tone, and volume. It also reduces excess pigmentation, laxity, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles. While it's usually done on the face, SmoothGlo can also be performed on the neck, chest, arms, the back of hands, and elsewhere on the body. * An IPL (aka photofacial) uses broadband light to target brown and red pigment in the skin. It also stimulates new collagen production, to help firm skin and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. * Radiofrequency Microneedling is the next step in this same appointment treatment. Numbing first, then tiny needles penetrate the skin's surface to deliver RF energy into the dermis. This stimulates a healing response that ramps up new collagen production. When performed in sequence, this two-step treatment provides a greater benefit than the two would alone, leaving the skin smoother, brighter and firmer over time.


  • The Triple Threat!

    The Triple Threat! I developed this procedure, 3- in 1 visit - skin renewal- 10 years younger in 10 days! I started with the science behind each laser treatment. I did some literature review and then added this to our procedures. The results have been amazing. I know many of you have had Photofractional or Smoothglo, but this seems to be a game changer. I am combining these treatments into one visit. Maybe your 4-6❤️ visits per year for separate treatments can be combined into 3! See the attached before and after photo. This is my sister. I had her in town for only one week. The AFTER photos are in sunny Florida, 10 days later, no makeup, no filter and after she was allowed to exfoliate. * It is very important to avoid sun exposure for at least 4 weeks before this procedure! 💕💕Downtime? Mild redness for 1-2 days! Compare this to CO2 laser treatments with downtime of 2 weeks! Image is subject to copyright

  • Photo Fractional

    Photo Fractional PhotoFractional is IPL plus Resurfx ; [dermal plumping! ]on the same visit. It is beautiful on the face, neck, chest, hands, legs...anywhere!acne scar and wrinkle reduction. Non-ablative resurfacing keeps the skin intact, stimulates collagen growth and tightens the underlying skin. It is ideal for patients who prefer a combined treatment approach with less downtime and no risk of skin infection. This requires an in person consultation This image is subject to copyright.

  • Combination Treatments Over Time!

    Combination of IPL, Radiofrequency Microneedling and Resurfx ( Non Ablative fractional resurfacing) separate treatments over 4 months. Plus ZO Radical Night Repair. Image subject to copyright, owned by Dr Marsala

  • Radiofrequency Microneedling.

    Radiofrequency Microneedling. Radiofrequency Micro Needling (RFMN) is one of the most technologically advanced forms of skin rejuvenation therapy available. RFMN is a powerful combination of fractional radiofrequency energy and minimally invasive micro-needling. It is an ideal non-surgical procedure to thicken and tighten skin, reduce wrinkles and pore size and treat acne and acne scars, through targeting the dermis. At the same time RFMN provides the cosmetic benefits of laser skin resurfacing with minimal recovery time through its effect on the surface (epidermis layer).

  • ResurFx Acne Scar Treatment

    Persistent and untreated inflammatory acne lesions may cause various degrees of permanent scarring. Laser resurfacing is one of the most effective ways of reducing and clearing acne scars. Available laser treatments include ablative and non-ablative skin resurfacing. The choice of treatment depends on the type of scar (box, rolling, or icepick) and on the patient’s preferences and expectations in terms of number of treatments and downtime.