Why Do You Keep Talking About Smoothglo™?

Interestingly, I have been using the M-22 IPL and radiofrequency microneedling for a couple of years. I love the results, and so do my patients! Now, Lumenis has developed a new protocol for this technology to be used at the same visit with different parameters. The results are excellent.

The combination works on texture, tone, and volume. It also reduces excess pigmentation, laxity, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles.

While it's usually done on the face, SmoothGlo can also be performed on the neck, chest, arms, the back of hands, and elsewhere on the body.

  • An IPL (aka photofacial) uses broadband light to target brown and red pigment in the skin. It also stimulates new collagen production, to help firm skin and smooth fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Radiofrequency Microneedling is the next step in this same appointment treatment. Numbing first, then tiny needles penetrate the skin's surface to deliver RF energy into the dermis. This stimulates a healing response that ramps up new collagen production.

When performed in sequence, this two-step treatment provides a greater benefit than the two would alone, leaving the skin smoother, brighter and firmer over time.




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