Mini Demo Night!

We have occasional demo nights at the practice. This evening, I did a Sculptra ( Poly L Lactic Acid) injection series because it is NOT a filler. People love to see when I am taking about when I discuss Sculptra as a global youth defying medical treatment. It is a bio-stimulant. Which means, it encourages your skin to recruit growth factors, develop collagen and it works over MONTHS. It lasts for years. We also did some PHYSIQ demos on flanks for fat loss of the muffin top, abdomen for fat lass and muscle stimulation at the same time! And buttock muscle stimulation. We lose muscle mass as we age, we gain fat pockets where we never had them before. Post baby! It works extremely well for this too. Men can benefit from core strengthening, fat loss, and it can be used on the bicep, tricep, quads and hamstrings.

I find it to be a exceptionally useful for those who have developed some health problems leading to weight gain ( or loss with muscle loss!)

I had personally found the muscle stimulation has also increased my overall metabolism.

It makes sense!

There is no down time.

It is comfortable, private and it works.

Come visit for a consultation

All new clients require a scheduled consultation. See you soon!


Body skin crepiness!


Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation